Sant'Elena della Casa Adele is a mid 20th century private convent chapel at Via Biagio Pallai 4 in the suburb of Monteverde Nuovo. This is in the Gianicolense quarter. It was being used as a public Mass centre by the parish of Trasfigurazione di Nostro Signore Gesù Cristo in 2016.
The dedication is to St Helen the Empress.
The convent is the Roman provincial headquarters of the Daughters of Mary Immaculate which is part of the Marianist family of consecrated religious. This was founded by Adèle de Batz de Trenquelléon at Agen in France in 1816.
The suffix "Agen" is often used with the name, as there are other unrelated congregations with a very similar title. The initials are FMI.
The Generalate, or overall headquarters of the congregation, is at Via Edoardo Jenner 10, which is quite close. Both convents have the name Casa Adele after the foundress, and both now provide hotel accommodation for pilgrims.
As in 2016, the chapel of the provincial headquarters at Via Biagio Pallai was open to the public for Mass. The congregation was probably finding it difficult to justify two convents in the same neighbourhood, and this looks like one way of continuing the status quo.
As in 2017, it seems that this convent might have closed down although the Diocese still lists one sister in residence. The public Mass is no longer advertised.
The chapel has no external identity. There was a small photo of the interior on the convent website (October 2017: offline).
Mass was celebrated publicly in 2016:
Weekdays 6:40;
Sundays and Solemnities 8:00.
External links[]
Official diocesan web-page for congregation
Convent website (defunct)