Chiesuola della Bufolotta is a mediaeval ruin, traditionally regarded as a church, in a completely rural location in the Marcigliana zone.
The city of Rome is fond of giving street names to rural lanes in its territory. The Via Bartolomea Capitanio is a dead-end driveway leading to an abandoned and derelict orphanage, with its entrance on the junction between the Via della Marcigliana and Via della Bufalotta.
The location is up a farm track on the right before the orphanage, passing through a farmyard and running along a ridge. The alleged site is a collection of ruins belonging to another former farmstead under a line of electricity pylons.
This edifice has no documented history. Its first reference occurs on a map published by Eufrosino della Volpaia in 1547.
Its fate was bizarre. It was demolished in 1974, allegedly in order to make way for a new line of electricity pylons. (Distrutta nel 1973-74 dall’Amministrazione Comunale, per dar spazio ai lavori dell’ACEA che realizzò una nuova linea elettrica.) However, an extant photograph show the intact edifice with the pylons already in place.
The same photo shows that the edifice was in a serious state of disrepair before its demolition.
There appears to be some doubt as to whether this ever was a church. Info.roma lists it under "fortifications", so presumably it might have been the lower part of a fortified mediaeval tower converted into a barn.
The mediaeval edifice was built on the lower courses of an ancient mausoleum of the 2nd century. This was rectangular, built of tufo stone and surviving to a height of about three metres. The mediaeval part was of red and yellow bricks, accessed via a parallel set of stairs along one side leading to a small patio and a doorway in that side.
There was a gabled roof, with a window tucked into the gable apex in at least one end. The side with the staircase had another window just below the roofline.