Churches of Rome Wiki

 Casale di Perna, Cappella di is a deconsecrated 18th century rural farm chapel at Casale de Perna, the address being Via Valle di Perna 315. Picture of the chapel on Wikimedia Commons. [1]


The chapel is part of a long-established farmstead, the oldest building of which is a fortified tower dating from the 11th century. It is thought that the latter was part of the defensive arrangements of the nearby Castel di Decima.

The long-established country estate was bought by Cardinal Ludovico Maria Torriggiani in 1777, together with Castel di Decima. The cardinal built Sant’Andrea Apostolo in Castel di Decima, and seems to have provided this chapel as well.

The Diocese has no listing for this chapel, so presumably it is deconsecrated.


It is a simple rectangular building, with a gabled and tiled roof and an ancillary chamber or sacristy under a single-pitched roof attached to the left hand side wall.

There seem to be foundations at the far end, which look like a demolished sanctuary narrower than the surviving nave.

The façade is in weathered grey rendering, patched in places with cement. A pair of simple Doric pilasters at the corners support a triangular pediment. The entrance doorway is large and wide, and has a raised frame. Sitting on the lintel of this is a partly blocked rectangular window in the same sort of frame, which intrudes into the tympanum of the pediment.

External links[]

Info.roma web-page
