Churches of Rome Wiki
Churches of Rome Wiki

Cappella di Casa Vittoria is an earlier 20th century Fascist-era hospice chapel at Via Portuense 220 in the Gianicolense quarter.


The Casa is a care home for old people, established in 1895 by the Sisters of Charity of St Jeanne Antide Thouret (Suore di Carità di Santa Giovanna Antida Thouret). This active religious sisterhood was founded by the saint at Besançon in France in 1799, and was inspired by the charism of St Vincent de Paul (hence the dedication). It should not be confused with the Daughters of Charity, founded by St Vincent.

The congregation is based at San Vincenzo de' Paoli all'Aventino.

The complex was rebuilt in 1927.

The sisters have given up the active administration and nursing care here, and the Casa is now run by the Operatori Sanitari Associati with a special focus on dementia sufferers. According to the Diocese a sister is still in charge, and a chaplain was appointed in 2012.


The complex has a separate chapel edifice on its west side, which does not abut the other buildings. It is a small and simple rectangular brick box with four bays, the walls being entirely rendered in a pinkish orange on a white concrete plinth. There are three large but short windows with triangular tops in each side wall, just below the projecting roof eaves.

The roof is gabled, and is in transverse red sheeting with joining ribs.

The façade gable is false, rising above the roofline behind. Very oddly, the roof has projecting gable eaves in front of this -as if the false gable were sitting on the roof. The tip of the false gable bears a simple bell-cote or campanile, with a round-headed aperture and a little tiled gable.

There is a deep gabled open porch with the roof in the same style supported on a pair of orange-rendered square brick piers with high white plinths. Also oddly, this porch is not on the major axis but on the right hand side of the frontage.

External links[]

Official diocesan web-page

OSA web-page

"Arvaliastoria" web-page

Info.roma web-page
