Churches of Rome Wiki
Churches of Rome Wiki

Cappella dell'Istituto Santa Giuliana Falconieri is a 20th century late Fascist-era convent and school chapel at Via Guidubaldo Del Monte 17 in the Parioli quarter.


The chapel serves a convent and school of the Suore, Serve di Maria di Pistioa. This active congregation, founded in 1861 at Treppio, is part of the Servite family of religious. Hence they have the nickname Mantellate, which has been given to Servite Tertiary nuns and sisters for centuries.

There have been very many congregations of Servite Tertiary sisters, and a total of twelve in the Diocese of Rome share the name Serve di Maria ("Servants of Mary").

Their Generalate is next to the parish church of Sante Perpetua e Felicita.

The school was founded in 1941, and has developed much in recent years despite being on a restricted site lacking outdoor sporting facilities.


The ground level of the site slopes down to the street. The original edifice consists of two five-storey blocks on the plan of an L, a wider back one parallel to the street and a narrower front one perpendicular to it. The latter abuts the former one storey down, because of the slope. The fabric is mostly in red brick, around a reinforced concrete frame, except for the first two storeys which are rendered. The roofs are flat.

This is a straightforward and plain but dignified building, unlike a separate additional Sixties block running along the street to the right which is cheap, ugly and offensive.

The chapel is in the third storey of the block nearer the street, and has six tall round-headed windows in the wall on the right hand side.


Despite being basically a room in a convent building, this chapel is well fitted out.

There are seven bays, including an entrance bay which has a gallery over the doorway and is separated from the nave proper by a screen wall with a cut-out archway lacking decoration.

The walls are in a pale green, and the ceiling is in white. The bays are separated by blind pilasters in what looks like alabaster (could be onyx), and these support transverse ceiling beams in a pale grey. The floor is in grey-veined white Carrara marble, but a red-edged pale tan transverse stripe connects each pair of pilasters.

Pilasters in the same style are folded into the corners.

The altarpiece is a standing portrait of Our Lady without the Christ-child, in a round-headed alabaster frame clasped by two further pilasters which do not support anything.

External links[]

Official diocesan web=page

School website

Info.roma web-page

